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sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

European Initiative

European Initiative. EU CHOOSE

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Herman Van Rompuy's First Speech as EU President

Mr Van Rompuy's own words (for full text see link below: 2-page-PDF)
We must make use of the Treaty to pursue ambitious policies. What matters now is the content of those policies: tackling the economic crisis, promoting employment, preserving our social model, fighting climate change, and ensuring energy security. Policies that are worthy of what the European Union represents. Worthy of the expectations of half a billion citizens who have put their trust in us. Worthy of the place that we must occupy in the world. Worthy of this Union which belongs to each one of us and which must respect each one of us.

We are the actors of this fantastic challenge. We must be thorough in carrying out our task. To do so, the European institutions must function as well as possible. They are not rivals, we are all there to serve the same cause. As President of the European Council, I will work with the European Parliament and with the Commission and its President, José Manuel Barroso.

The only thing I can highlight in his aseptic intervention is that when he refers to 'us' he's not talking about us in general, the Europeans, despite, he's talking for 'their us' and 'their we', that are the members of the European Institutions.

If you felt the same while reading the two-pages PDF file I linked below, you might agree that this Europe don't belong to us, the Europeans. Instead, it belongs to them, the beaurocrats and the non-elected-by-people 'representants'.

I don't like the European Union in which Mr Herman Van Rompuy, at his first speech as President of the European Council doesn't talk for the people but for the institutions. I want my President to talk about us, people at streets: the real people who he must have addressed at least part of his words. This EU is kind of a deception for my generation. Please join our movement and demand the right to choose. eU CHOOSE.

Link to the PDF containing the Intervention by Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council at the ceremony on the occasion of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, Lisbon, 1 December 2009.

Join us at Facebook. eU CHOOSE Facebook Profile

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

EUX TV: Van Rompuy's First Comments after knowing he is going to be designated as EU President

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Van Rompuy, presidente impuesto

Los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de la Unión Europea han decidido hoy que será nuestro presidente Herman Van Rompuy. Ellos se inventan el cargo, ellos se lo reparten y todos se lo pagamos.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

eU CHOOSE Facebook Group

eU CHOOSE Facebook Group is open to anyone who wish to bring the European Union closer to the people and those who want an elected President for the EU. Join us on Facebook


eU CHOOSE is an internet campaign to ask the 2010 Spain's Presidence of the European Council of Ministers for an elected President of the European Union.

We want the President of the European Union to be elected by the people of the Union &
any european citizen to be eligible for this job.

Join us and stream the word. It's about your Europe, it's about your choice. eU CHOOSE.